Signing of Agreement between Pakistan and Lebanon on Cooperation in Combatting Illicit Trafficking and Abuse of Narcotic Drugs

Signing of Agreement between Pakistan and Lebanon on Cooperation in Combatting Illicit Trafficking and Abuse of Narcotic Drugs

An Agreement on Cooperation in Combatting Illicit Trafficking and Abuse of Narcotic Drugs, Psychotropic Substances, New Psychoactive Substances and their Precursors was signed between Pakistan and Lebanon, during a ceremony held at the Directorate General of Internal Security Forces Headquarters in Beirut, today. The Agreement aims to foster existing friendly relations and cooperation between Pakistan and Lebanon.

From the Lebanese side, Maj. Gen. Imad Othman, Chief of Internal Security Forces, and on behalf of Government of Pakistan,   H.E. Mr. Salman Athar, Ambassador of Pakistan to Lebanon, inked the Agreement.

While speaking on the occasion, Maj. Gen. Imad Othman expressed optimism that the signing of the Agreement would further strengthen Pakistan-Lebanon bilateral ties. While underlining the positive trajectory of Pakistan-Lebanon bilateral relations, Maj. Gen. Imad Othman emphasized that it is in mutual interest of both countries to take effective measures to combat illicit trafficking of drugs.

Ambassador Salman Athar, during his remarks, congratulated both sides for successfully signing the Agreement. Recognizing Pakistan and Lebanon as brotherly countries sharing common values, he underscored their mutual support on various regional and global issues. The Ambassador, while elaborating on the main objective of the Agreement noted that illicit trafficking of drugs seriously jeopardizes public health and safety. Recognising the significant harm that illicit trafficking of drugs inflicts on our societies, the Ambassador underlined the need to work together to implement effective strategies and initiatives to counter its influence, protect our communities, and preserve the integrity of our social fabric.


عن Mohammad Mansour

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