Inauguration at BEYt of Ephémères, a photo exhibition by Marie-Noëlle Fattal Beirut, December 17,2020

Marie-Noëlle Fattal’s photo exhibition will start on December 17th at BEYt Mar Mikhaël

“This exhibition was conceived as a tribute to Gemmayze, Mar Mikhaël and their inhabitants, the majority of the photographs on display having been taken in this area. I wanted the images to be exhibited at BEYt, a cultural space where I used to love to spend time, and that has just been restored. The exhibition was also born out of my desire not to end 2020 on a note of resignation

Bringing together the artist’s different approaches, the exhibition is an invitation to immerse oneself in the universe of a Beirut lover, travelling between architecture and intimacy and rediscovering the daily life of this city. Through her four series: Waiting, Of Dogs and Humans, Free Walls, and 12th Floor, the photographer does not show an idealized Beirut, a smooth Beirut or a bruised Beirut, but a true Beirut, a city we love to walk despite everything

Bio: Marie-Noëlle Fattal is Lebanese and works in communication. After having spent most of her life abroad, she returned to Lebanon in 2012

In 2017, she published ‘Beirut Footsteps’ her first photography book. In ‘Ephémères’, she captures the hidden beauty of everyday life with a sincere tenderness that dives us into the incomparable charm of this city

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