Hayyan Salim Haidar Living in EcOrphanage

Hayyan Salim Haidar

Living in EcOrphanage

     Cop 27 it was, a charming entourage, in Charm-the-Sheikhs… followed by G20, in Bali… followed by a host of the be G’s.  One wonders: why does it have to take place in exotic environments?  All at the same time?  Why??

     Perhaps because 80% of the damage inflicted on the environment is caused by the G20 countries, and following that 90% of the narrative about it is autocued by them.  But, certainly, it was to tell us that climate, in absolute terms, not man, is evil.  Climate has since become a recipe for chaos, a Weapon of Mass Hypocrisy (WMH).

     So !  Freedom is not Free…after all.

     This is the latest capitalist rule: “If you want everything to remain the same, then everything must change.”

     Noting that throughout the past 3700 years, only 230 years were without wars, and skimming through the G20’s “performance” history, leads us to conclude that their main “services” to Humanity were: Wars, Destruction, Killings of all names and trends, induced famines, disseminated (that ugly word) deceases and whateverdemics, etc… all devilish acts “professionally” and meticulously designed, in due application of the motto:  “Profit from everything, take care of nothing”.

     A World iconised by Leaders, Influencers and Followers (and all the activists that lie in between, and lie should be understood by all its wicked meanings), is flagrantly ruled by EcOrphan Duets, with one member on the one side of the kind, usually named Eco  (commonly known as the Greens, Eco, COP, Enviro, name it what you can), those who slaughter whole forests to make paper out the wood in order to write on it “Save our Forests”.

     And talking about green, fashion has it that green is now the new black (which, note, is not considered racist in this context).  Green, mind you comes in all shades: from the dark Schwarzwald in West Germany, to the BRG (British Racing Green) storming down the tracks of Brandshatch, right to the paling pastels in the far-away mini gardens of Japan.  In contradiction, on the human front, men turn Green with envy.

     The other member of the EcOrphan Duet is the self-orphaned.  For this purpose,                 I shall quote Mr. Martin Indyk, the well-known US diplomat who, as ambassador to the temporary state of “Israel”, while negotiating with Netanyahu, then Israeli prime minister in his earlier cabinets, and, facing the impossibility of reasoning with him, stated that Netanyahu behaves like a spoiled child who murders his father and then rushes around crying for sympathy and help, lamenting on the premise that he is an orphan.

     For this duet, democracy is personalised by the “classic” story of the two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner (1).

     This world definitely “enjoys” being ruled by these two of a kind, the EcOrphan Duet who cannot distinguish between guilt and responsibility.

     “They” (guess who) warmongered themselves into the only who can forge, force, apply and benefit from sanctions applied by force of wars and backed by the Dollar, that ultimate Weapon of Mass Destruction (WMD), through a multitude of “cutting-edge” designed local, regional and international, uni and multi-lateral, agencies, well positioned to serve the purpose.

     Then??  Then they threaten us with our own riches…

     Reminds us of Eisenhower’s controversial speech (1961) proclaiming: “We face a hostile ideology global in scope, atheistic in character, ruthless in purpose, and insidious in method”.  Makes us really wonder who he was describing !

   EcOrphans now freely lead the world in alternations: one year in a tragic comedy, the following, for a change, in a comic tragedy, with muttons dressed in lambs who, not being part of the solution, become part of the problem.

     And concluding using “vegan” language, Ecology now deteriorates faster than         “it takes lettuce to rot”… the whole global system moving “the way of the dodo”.

     The world, sarcasm says, actually reads like: an “American Dream” as told by a Russian novelist.

EcOrphans of the World..  Unite !


Hayyan Salim Haidar                                                      Ecolostan, 9th January 2023.

Any Echo ??




  • Quote by James Bovard – civil libertarian, 1994.

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