Hayyan Salim Haidar Black Fridays and Co


Hayyan Salim Haidar

Black Fridays and Co

  • One of the “Summum of Hypocrisy” series


     Somebody, please, someone, explain why it is that Black Friday is not a racist, discriminatory expression?  Why not?  Because the Marketing and Sales management text-books say so?

     And by comparison, may we ask (even if we may not, by rule of sanctions): why is it that talking about Palestinian Rights, just mentioning the forbidden word, is labelled  anti-Semitic, considering that Palestinians are Semites and that the “creators-perpetrators” of the mentioned sanction are not?  And Black Friday is not racism against Black people?  And neither are Black Market, Black November, Black Widow and the whole list of pejorative “Black Series” expressions?

     Can anyone advance a natural, human, logical, philosophical, moral, ethical, legal, scientific, historical, cultural, anthropological, even “gentile”, as the case may be, convincing answer

     No??  No answer?  I thought not.

So let’s sing together: “What a Hypocritical World !”…


Hayyan Salim Haidar, here-after Black-Listed

Citizen (I think) of Lebanon…

that beautiful, in “sustainable” power Black-Out, place… with all powers Blacked Out.

                                                                                         Beirut, 28th November, 2022.

     … and I said to myself:

“What a Hypocritical World !”…  


عن mcg

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