Daoud… Are you still here ?
يونيو 20, 2024
314 زيارة
Daoud… Are you still here ?
A Virtual Encounter (2/2)
08 – An episode in the continuing Nakba –
You are? Here is the latest.
– You know, the young of the West have FINALLY discovered that their leaders, and
media lackeys, have been lying to them, the consecutive generations, for at least 75
years. And instead of forgetting Palestine and the Palestinian Cause, the Red Black
and Green flag and the Kuffiyeh, which covered heads and necks and public places,
has now reached the neck of the statue of Washington … and the Dabkeh you once
taught your young friends is now a universal expression, literally a “footstep”, into Free
Speech ! Yes, Daoud (*), Courage and Bravery are at last honoured.
– Signs of Respect, Dignity, Truth?.. Yes, kings, leaders, celebrities and influencers
have become popular and appreciated if and when they wave the Palestinian flag, or
wear the kuffiyeh.
– Facing this debacle, the slave media want followers to believe that Hezbollah and
Hamas are responsible for activating universities’ protests in the US. Soros is another
accusation. “Really frightening” according to the unfailing-now-failed WSJ.
– The young, backed by proofs and arguments, are demonstrating against the political
choices of the elderly. They don’t see any good or interest in spending their tax moneys
in support of Apartheid and Colonial Settlements which belong to a déjà long gone era.
Palestine has finally become an ethical humanistic cause.
– Yes, yes..Daoud. Sympathisers, objectors, supporters, protesters and demonstrators
come from all races and genders, American and Global people.
– Evil is desperate… hitting with everything available…plus some as yet unavailable
(namely AI) – Did you hear of Pegasus? No? What about the “Canary Mission”? …
you are surely aware of this spyware, a website which compiles dossiers on students’
so-called “antisemitic” activities such as BDS, especially in North American U’s?
– Remember angel-face Rachel Corrie (2003)? I recall we mentioned her in our long
conversations of glories. Then came Moh. Bouazizi of Tunisia (2010)? Yes, in your
absence there was an Aaron Bushnell too.
– We have entered a global “Bye Bye WMD”. A farewell to “Weapons of Mass
DISTRACTION” : away with Machiavelli, MacCarthy, Orwell, Anti-Semitism, Holocaustdenier, Terrorist Act…
– You must laugh at the following: the USA goes to the UN General Assembly backed
by its “heavyweight” allies: the unflinching Palau, Nauru, Marshall Islands, Samoa,
Micronesia…enough? You are giggling? I am serious though. Oh, Really? 2 pairs of
“Boots on the Ground”? Only 2? So History had it that Palau, with 2 soldiers only,
helped the “Coalition of the Willing” invade Iraq in 2003 ! No, Daoud, the “sovereign”
Solomon Islands did not oblige … in fact, retorting to some historians’ search for a direct
evidence of existence, there might soon be an antisemitic option indicting people as
– Who? The ICC, ICJ, International Law and Human Rights et al? They have become a
live application of Montesquieu’s (1) « Vérité et Mensonge aux deux abords des
Pyrénées », with hostages au-deçà des Pyrénées and prisoners au-delà.
– Daoud, it is a festival. Come and witness this rare spectacle: The Whole World
happily going to jail for Palestine. This does not mean that Evil will disappear all of a
sudden, all at once, but the Despicable EVIL has been recognised, named, labelled and
– To wrap it up, a best quote would read: “If the USA saw what the USA is doing in the
USA, then the USA would invade the USA to save the USA from the tyranny of the
– No.. press and media, the “representatives” of HUMANITY still talk of military failures
or ventures and lack of leadership, of the Day After, instead of calling a spade a spade,
i.e GENOCIDE, Double Standards and Accountability.
– Daoud, LG is now “advocating” the use of nukes to annihilate Gaza. What? No..no..
not the famous Japanese household LG company, I meant the well-known senator
Lindsey Graham.
– Do you remember when, in your time, there was the option for students to register in
western U’s as “Non-Binary”?… Now, following the unmatched “human” atrocities, the
option “Non-Human” will be made available too, perhaps even mandatory.
– Now, dear friend, I understand why, a long time ago, in your other country away from
your original country, you insisted on being called Daoud and not David as the common
– Recalling our days on the board of the Arab Anti-Corruption Organisation, and
reviewing the state of current “ethics” affairs, I may conclude that the Useful Idiots have
finally drawn the Perfect Corruption Vicious Circle where: Ethics corrupt Morals, where
morals corrupt Values, and values corrupt the self-declared “International Community”,
a self-appointed world opinion.
– Imagine sayings like: “Give Peace a Chance” or “Stop the Genocide” are now antiSemitic, “Let the people live” too. Yes, yes, it brings back to mind the “I can’t Breathe”
– Mind you, on the “positive” front, they are now using eco-friendly, carbon-free bombs.
– This you have to hear: the UN have finally put IsraHell on its blacklist for mistreatment,
in fact murder, of children (black… again a racist stand). Here is yet another Zionist
stance threatening to classify the colour black as anti-Semitic.. And in tandem, IsraHell
sanctioned a UN agency as terrorist organisation while the US Congress sanctioned the
ICC, or should it have been the other way around?.
– Daoud, you certainly remember the UN’s Khrushchev’s shoe incident? Now there was
a farcical Israeli mini-shredder incident there… what a fall ! An AAA (what a “neat”
abbreviation, like a rating code) is the latest “Anti-Semitism Awareness Act”.
– Yes, martyrs have finally occupied the Conscience of the World, and appointed
ambassadors in the states of Respect, Truth, Rights, Freedom and Rule of Law. Acting
towards Historical Redress.
– What? The latest developments in the Temporary State? Well: Satanyahu threw his
Gantz (2) in the face of his Assembly, and with little Galant-ry (3) he tried to ride his
Demontrich (4) into the war cabinet, in a much farcical reminiscence of the Caligula (5)
and Incitatus (6) moment.
– Indeed, the name of IsraHell is at last showing, where it belongs, on The Wall of
Shame…following a test of Conscience which brought results similar to the version of
an old commercial:
“Never had it… Never will”.
– Daoud, afore we go, the latest news about Hollywood. Following the last G7 meeting,
there now runs a tight competition between top film-makers. Two movies are now in the
making: “Meet the Genocidals” reads one, against “The Genocidal Seven” for the other.
Last minute details stand at whether to spell Meet with a double “e” or as Meat.
May the World Rest in Peace.
Daoud, Salam Al Quds on Earth and in Heavens !.
Hayyan Salim Haidar Lebanon, North of Palestine,
June, 19th 2024.
(*) Dr. Daoud Khairallah, a Lebanese American, (1937 – 2020), was legal advisor to the World Bank and
taught International Law at Georgetown. Above all, he lived by ethics and values.
(1) “Vérité au-deçà des Pyrénées, mensonge au-delà » – Montesquieu.
(2) Ref. « Jeter le Gant » – (3) Ref. « Galanterie » – (4) Ref. « Smotrich »
(5) Roman Emperor Gaius Caesar Augustus Germanicus (37 AD – 41 Ad) known as Caligula (the mad
emperor), famous for his cruelty and madness.
(6) Incitatus, Caligula’s horse which, in a mad stance, Caligula rode into the Roman Senate, wanting to
institute it as consul or senator.