Banque BEMO revives its “Mediation Initiative”

Banque BEMO revives its Mediation Initiative

 With the growing pressure Lebanon is facing amidst the health, social and economic crises, conflicts and differences have become more frequent and greater in intensity. Striving to help alleviate burdens that have a high impact on the community by peacefully resolving disputes through specialized communication and negotiation techniques, Banque BEMO is reviving its “Mediation Initiative”.

With this initiative, Banque BEMO aims to fulfill its commitment to magnify its social impact and further foster the Bank as a socially responsible company. In partnership with the Professional Mediation Center (CPM) of St Joseph University of Beirut, this Mediation Initiative will go beyond preventing or resolving any eventual conflicts with its clients or suppliers and play a pivotal role in educating and promoting the Mediation on a national scale.

In this context, Banque BEMO stands firm with its statement: “2020 is the year of courage, and we want to set an example to follow and become a source of hope for all Lebanese people so that we rise together and overcome the crisis.”

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