Banque BEMO launches the “Social Utility Trust

Banque BEMO launches the “Social Utility Trust”  


Beirut, December 8, 2021: Developed by BEMO’s intern Antoine Daher, the “Social Utility Trust”, a new fiduciary instrument, aims at facilitating, reducing the costs in addition to increasing transparency and governance in the process of donation. This innovative structure is comparable to one presently existing in Quebec but was tailored to be compatible with the fiduciary law of Lebanon. It is extremely flexible and can be used in a multitude of sectors and by a large diversity of donors

BEMO is extremely pleased and proud to pioneer this innovation that will bring great benefits to Lebanon and that it is borne by the efforts of one of its young interns. BEMO believes that this should be an example for everyone as only creativity and pure intentions will allow Lebanon to exit from its current doldrums

BEMO is keen at welcoming innovators and adopting innovations. It believes in the power of the creativity, the solidity of the commitment and the strength of the values of its employees

Once again with this initiative, Banque BEMO stands firm with its promise: “2021 is the year of Faith, and we want to become a source of hope for all Lebanese people so that we can rise together and overcome the crisis

About Banque BEMO

Banque BEMO is a commercial Bank whose services and activities cover both the Lebanese and regional market. True to its principles, the Bank focuses on its vision, namely being the reference in the Private and Corporate Banking while remaining fully committed to its values: Family Spirit, Professionalism, Honesty and Conservatism

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