Eighty… ninety… hundred days… and rising. You have come out in the thousands… you have come out in the millions…and yet… and still…the “official” world remains blind… their lawmakers are deaf… their “brains” are dumb…their feelings are numb…no heart… no soul !
What kind of people are you? What kind of country or state are you?
Wake up: Humanity has failed.
Folks of the World: where is your courage? Where is your bravery?.. to stand up for Right, for Justice? Where is your Humanity… your outrage… your care? Where is your Anger?
Where is the right to be a kid, the right to have a mother, a father, a sister, a brother, a family? The right to a future, to have a dream?
Which side of History do you want to stand on?
This is about the people of Gaza. Those who are now staging a die-in !Those who gave so much for Greed to live on lies, thrive on lust, and on the many other “trendy” sins. People of Palestine are being murderedin the name of peace, freedom and “prosperity”.
The World has seen too much horror that will remain too long, sudden and unbidden, haunted by the pictures. These arethings you will never unsee.
The first Nakba was committed hush-hush and fear, this Nakba is being committed loud and clear, with all the instigation, support, involvement of the colonial powers, the so-called West, collective west, alias International Community, promoters of Freedom, Democracy, Coalition of the Crime… and the narrative lingers on.
Your subconscious has been hacked, it is hacked now, again with every bit, or byte, of news.
You and the World are both watching a crime against humanity LIVE, ON AIR, GENOCIDE IN THE MAKING… on screens of all shapes and shades, through lenses of all dimensions, because of your indifference.
This is your Moment of Truth. Murders arebeing committed with your weapons and in your name, as you are witnessing, actionless. Wake up. Rise.
Palestinians are being Gazafied. Babies, kids, mothers and elderly massacred in your name.Doctors, nurses and volunteers are being assassinated by way of your paid taxes. With your money again, over 100 UN employees have been “neutralised”, along with a similar number of journalists.Hospitals, schools, churches and mosques are being erased with your infinite supply of bombs.Homes and refuges are being levelled down because of your UNSecurity Council vetoes.And not least, media and voices are systematically targeted because of your silence.
Whatever happened toHumanity? Never did Humanity witness the “carpet” “cleansing” (what an unsuitable word here)of hospitals, patients, doctors, nurses, infants, staff…of schools, children, students, teachers, … NO… not one of the “legendary” barbarians did it before, not at any time in history.
You are not free until the whole world is free from colonialism, imperialism, neo-slavery and apartheid. We are all living on borrowed time.
Remaining silent, as a bystander means you have participated in this ongoing crime. To remain a bystander in the face of injustice is a choice… your choice.
In the coming decades you will be asked “what did you do to stop it?” What will your answer be?
Reboot your role as citizens. Make the right choices now. Be absolved and forgiven on Judgment Day. Act for Peace, Freedom and Justice. Express your Indignation, individually and collectively. Shout your shame aloud atbeing citizens of states that support, condone, supply and finance that pariah terrorist state, states that share crimes with the IDF, the Israeli Daesh Forces. Don’t be a disgrace upon Humanity. They, the non-Semites, areweaponisingthe concept of Semite to intimidate you with fake anti-semitism accusations.
Switch to Humanity Mode. Act…, or you will soon be “israeled”. Have the courage, to admit missteps and take corrective measures.Speak up, campaign louder.
Don’t be the unpeople… the Untermenschen.
Tell the West: this is the Rest talking to you: you have so much unlearning to do.
Feel outraged. Don’t be part of this non-response. Don’t be silenced, make yourself heard and not herd. Thank you for refusing to be silenced.Forget about western Rules, core values, forget about their World Order.
We need your courage, make Palestinians know and feel that they are not alone, that they will not be alone again … ever.
Revolt, bring them down, dissolve them, Parliaments, Governments, Heads of States… and their Tails too. Call for new Elections. Elect Humanity for president, appoint Justice for Government, vote for Responsibility to Parliament.
Let courage, awe and compassion be a lesson on humanity, justice, equality and fraternity.
And, facing the horrific facts, as best expressed in French: “Et la Conscience Humaine de vivre ce que vivent les Enfants de la Palestine, l’Espaced’uneTrêve”. Meaning: “And Human Conscience to livewhatthe children of Palestineare living… the space of a Truce”. Finally: Show your Anger. Not that you would, alone, make a change in the evil ones, but so that “they” don’t make a change in you. Don’t let their devilism eliminate your humanism.
Do not be intimidated, tell the Truth, the whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth. Perform your role, no matter how humble, every day so as to survive as a sensitive human person.
Never let the human cause die in your heart.
Hayyan Salim Haidar Lebanon, North of Palestine, January 7th. 2024.