Beirut, April 12, 2022: During a press conference held at BDD, various business organizations and  private sector associations launched an awareness campaign named “LEBANON OUTSOURCING OPTION”

This innovative and exciting Pro Bono initiative aims to underscore Lebanon’s wealth of resources offered by its private sector.

This campaign is a joint effort between the American Lebanese Commerce Alliance (ALCA), Beirut Digital District (BDD), Berytech, BIEEL, Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie Canada Liban (CCICL), Family Business Network Levant (FBN Levant), Global Chamber, Lebanese Business Council in Kuwait (LBCK), LebNet, Lebanese League for Women in Business (LLWB), Lebanese Private Sector Network (LPSN), RDCL together with Outerpond.com.

Throughout history, Lebanon has been a major trading point, a premier education destination, a medical center and innovative startup market.

Despite the economic slowdown, the county’s true wealth remains its human capital, its skilled multilingual entrepreneurial spirit and a vibrant private sector that are ready and able to cater to companies all over the world. Capitalizing on the dynamism of the Lebanese private sector is essential in reaffirming Lebanon’s tremendous servicing potential and leading the way to economic recovery.

The message to worldwide companies is clear. Lebanese corporations and startups are an attractive option for their outsourcing needs. Outerpond.com has been created to facilitate outsourcing, partnerships and investment opportunities between Lebanon based companies and foreign entities.

This free B2B platform is the essential enabling tool allowing Lebanese firms to access global business opportunities. Outerpond.com also provides international firms with a most reliable option in accessing a database of hundreds of qualified Lebanese firms ready to service their needs.

Lebanon’s professional private sector is vibrant and eager to service global needs. Outerpond.com is the enabling solution.

The “LEBANON OUTSOURCING OPTION” campaign is not a one-off initiative, but a sustained effort by key private sector organizations and Outerpond.com to provide a practical solution in terms of economic development.

This campaign is rolled out in Lebanon and abroad. It promotes Lebanon’s outsourcing potential and makes it known to the world, it will attract projects and fresh currencies to private sector and contribute to alleviate the current economic slowdown in the country.

The event was held in the presence of various representatives of supporting entities that included: BDD, BIEEL, Berytech, FBN Levant, LLWB, LPSN, Outerpond, RDCL and MEDEF

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