بيان لبنكBEMO ماذا فيه ؟

Press Release

Beirut, April 14, 2022: Following yesterday’s article in the newspaper highlighting a corporate governance problem threatening the continuity of OBEGI Group, Banque BEMO s.a.l. affirms its unwavering commitment at preserving its governance principles and maintaining its long-term strategy to achieve sustainable growth.

The Bank will always follow the path of its core values to safeguard the interests of its esteemed clientele, partners and the communities in which the Bank operates.

Our Board of Directors and Senior Management will answer all enquiries during a Zoom webinar on Wednesday, 20 April 2022 at 5:00 PM, as follows:

Please click the link below to join the webinar:


Webinar ID: 834 6492 0489

Passcode: 411269


This Webinar is limited to 500 participants

عن mcg

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شقير استقبل كركي:

 توافق على إصدار الضمان مذكرة توضيحية لآلية جباية الاشتراكات الجديدة almontasher استقبل رئيس الهيئات الاقتصادية …

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