ادريس يشارك  في لقاء العمل العربي اليوناني: يعزز فرص الشراكة الإقتصادية والإستثمارية

 ادريس يشارك  في لقاء العمل العربي اليوناني يعزز فرص الشراكة الإقتصادية والإستثمارية

شدد الرئيس المؤسس لنقابة الصناعات الغذائية  عاطف ادريس على ان الأمن الغذائي مفهوم متعدد الأوجه ، يتم تعريفه وتفسيره بشكل مختلف. ويمكن أن تؤدي التحسينات في الكثير  من المجالات المختلفة في نهاية المطاف إلى تحسين توافر الغذاء والقدرة على تحمل تكاليفه والوصول المستدام إليه. يقسم MEFOSA تدخلات الأمن الغذائي إلى ثلاثة: الحوكمة ، والحماية الاجتماعية ، وتحسين إدارة الأسرة

ادريس في مداخلة له باللغة الانكليزية  اثناء مشاركته  في “لقاء العمل : اليونان ودول شمال المشرق العربي العراق، الأردن، لبنان، فلسطين وسورية” الذي انعقد في اليونان اخيرا ” وفيما يلي نص المداخلة:

Food security is a multi-faceted concept, variously defined and interpreted. Improvements in many different areas can ultimately improve the availability, affordability and sustainable access to food. MEFOSA divides food security interventions into three: governance, social protection, and improvement of household management (better financial markets, food storage, and activity diversification).

According to the FAO, predictable and fair international food markets are important for trade to help support food security and climate adaptation. Many countries already rely on international markets as a source of food to meet their deficit, either due to high costs of agricultural production, or when climate or other natural disasters undercut national food production.

Lebanon has traditionally been a country with a free and open trade regime. Efforts towards trade liberalization have focused on the European Union (EU), the WTO, and the Arab world. Free-trade agreements, whether multilateral, regional or bilateral, allow for a preferential exchange of goods and services between the parties in a more transparent and predictable manner. FTA agreements ensure that favored measures are implemented among the parties of the agreements.

International trade in agricultural products will have an increasingly important contribution to feeding the planet and responding to climate-related hunger flare-ups.  According to a new FAO report, the national agricultural and trade policies may need to be readjusted to help transform the global marketplace into a pillar of food security and a tool for climate change adaptation. Other risk factors include conflicts or health emergencies, such as the recent COVID-19 pandemic, and the conflict between Russia & Ukraine, which severely affected food security in Lebanon in particular, and the world in general, due to their huge wheat export capability.

MEFOSA suggests the application of four strategies to alleviate food security crisis. First, there is need to closely monitor food prices and markets; second, it is necessary to ensure international and national agricultural and food supply chains function normally, third, social safety nets are needed to protect those who are the worst affected and most vulnerable; and finally, more investment is needed to build an even more resilient food system which will allow our food products to be produced according to international standards, and reduce the percentage of export refusals (refer to separately attached document on automatic detention list by the FDA).

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